You can never communicate too much!
Often personal communication is the best, easiest and most activating way. Hotel MSSNGR by its core values wants to improve guest communication between the hotel and its guests. Our direct communication tools enable the closest possible connection beyond a face to face talk. Which anyway is most probably a key way of guest com at your very fine property.
Say hello to others - our Pinboard
Hotel MSSNGR is a communication software. This is why we also care about guests communicating with each other. Our Pinbaord is a simple many-to-many solution for guest wanting to exchange and arrange with other guests onsite. Spam tools are in place so the hotel staff can easily keep conversation non-violent and within the rules.
Soon to come: The Message Center v2
Our Message Center will feature guest facing multiple chat options to communicate with you. On the hotel side – again the Hotel MSSNGR approach – our solution will ensure though that processes remain super efficient. We are super excited on this new feature and cannot wait to share more detailed news with you! Stay tuned!
Hotel MSSNGR is proud to serve these fine hotels and resorts and many more:
We show you how to find the perfect
communication channels for your hotel
without adding any extra work at all!
We speak English, Italian, Spanish and German!
Call us at +49 30 – 12 07 60 86
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